The LED display is divided into single color, double primary color, three primary colors (full color), four primary colors (RGB+yellow Y), and five primary colors (RGB+cyan G+yellow Y) according to color. At present, most of the commercial advertisements use three-color full-color display screens. The four primary colors are used less because of the cost, and the five primary colors are also used less.
The illuminating material of the LED display itself is energy-saving. Considering the application display area is relatively large, long-time operation and high-brightness playback, the power consumption can not be underestimated. In addition to the cost associated with the LED display itself, the advertising cost will also increase geometrically with the use of the device.
Ruimeiqi Optoelectronics' energy-saving LED display adopts high-efficiency and low-power chip design, adopts high-efficiency switching power supply of half bridge or full bridge from power supply, and reduces power supply voltage as much as possible under constant current of driving IC. The red, green, and blue dies are separately powered to achieve better energy savings.
In addition to the above methods, it is also possible to use a backlight design to save energy by automatically adjusting the brightness of the LED display.
In addition, Ruimeiqi Optoelectronics' energy-saving LED display adopts built-in PWM, ultra-low power consumption and high brightness adjustment to blank the 16-bit constant current driver IC, real-time adjustment of power consumption, high refresh, high gray The order is really no hidden and the color is more real.
How can an LED manufacturer continue to grow bigger and stronger in the fierce competition? It is not just a matter of price wars to suppress the peers. It is undoubtedly a drink and thirst. Only by technological improvement and innovation can we go farther than other companies.
"Rui Meiqi" people carry an enterprising heart and take you into a beautiful new space with a beautiful and fantastic LED display.

PCB Cutting Machine

This type of SF-706 machine have to keep PCB board,the circular blade is moving.It is suitable for Special height for ultra high component can be 70mm.

This type of SF-701machine through adjust the height of track manually and control At 0.01 mm to solve the problem of V-CUT depth. Accept made to order super high components on the PC board such as power supply.The highest for 400mm is also accepted to customize.

The type of SF-705 v notch PCBA Cutting Machine which is suitable for Thickness of the to-be-cut base plate: 0.5-2.0mm, max. length of 300mm PC plate. Then Processing V-PCD plate, aluminum plate and CUT plate, etc.The using way is Controlled by electric pedal or pneumatic pedal, hoe knife plate splitting is completed by the motion of air cylinder.

The type of SF-716 machine is used for visual PCB depanel.

Visual Platform Desktop Separator,V-cut PCB Cut Depaneling Machine,PCB V-cut Cutting Machine


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